
Friday, April 23, 2010

The new raspberry patch

After the dismal efforts of my only raspberry plant I have a new plot. [read about it earlier here]After preparing my garden bed for about 4 months I very unceremoniously planted the raspberry babies this week. I have tried to do my research about growing them as I intend to have a wonderful patch over the coming years.

1. - prepare the bed for months ahead. compost, manure - I also grew buckwheat as a green manure and chomped that in. I have planted these now in Autumn. I have chosen the perfect spot in the garden that gets sun from about 8.30 to 4.00 during winter - and not too disimilar in Summer.

2. - the bed themselves have been planted north to south - I read that's the way raspberry produce growers do it - so i have transferred that to my mini bed of nine plants.

3. - I helped myself (!) to the sucklings of the fantastic raspberry plants down the road at the local katoomba community gardens - they do really well.

4. - Raspberries are apparently cold climate plants and suit this area. I haven't actually met anyone who grows them in the backyard - but I have heard second hand they are plentiful in the region.

5. I have been collecting raspberry recipes over the last year or so for the eventual requirement for them in a season or two. So if anyone else in the big wide world stumbles on this blog one day and has a great raspberry recipe - please post it up!

Here it is:
From various for blog


  1. Hello there, I live in Wentworth falls and have only had luck with the autumn bearing variety of raspberries called Heritage. The ones in full sun have struggled but the ones at the side of my house have done well this year. Unfortunately I was using mushroom compost until this year which is slightly alkaline.they prefer slightly acid I believe This year I had a good crop with only about 6-8 plants fertilized with compost. Get net to protect birds love them. Mine bore raspberries until the end of May.This variety gets pruned down to the ground at the beginning of winter - now so they're not complicated - the easier the better. You probably know all this but it's taken me a while to work it out. Cherries did well for me also starkrimson and simone. i think varieties are important because I've spent a lot of money on unsuitable plants that die Rocket and red mizuna are hard to kill and critters don't like them (I live on the edge of nat park) happy gardening

  2. Hey thanks for that! - I am really struggling! But today I managed to ask for some from the community gardens in Katoomba and now have a new lot of six, which I have planted in....and I hope they are right type. To be honest I have no idea!
