1. - prepare the bed for months ahead. compost, manure - I also grew buckwheat as a green manure and chomped that in. I have planted these now in Autumn. I have chosen the perfect spot in the garden that gets sun from about 8.30 to 4.00 during winter - and not too disimilar in Summer.
2. - the bed themselves have been planted north to south - I read that's the way raspberry produce growers do it - so i have transferred that to my mini bed of nine plants.
3. - I helped myself (!) to the sucklings of the fantastic raspberry plants down the road at the local katoomba community gardens - they do really well.
4. - Raspberries are apparently cold climate plants and suit this area. I haven't actually met anyone who grows them in the backyard - but I have heard second hand they are plentiful in the region.
5. I have been collecting raspberry recipes over the last year or so for the eventual requirement for them in a season or two. So if anyone else in the big wide world stumbles on this blog one day and has a great raspberry recipe - please post it up!
Here it is:
From various for blog |