
Monday, January 25, 2010

New Pond

We have finally advanced our Pond. A new above ground water pot has been placed slightly uphill from the inground pond. We then created a small creek bed of rocks and now pump the water from the lower pond - up to the higher pond - where it overflows and flows back to the lower pond and so it goes on! As our existing pump had two outlets we also still have a small trickle of water streaming down the big iron stone water fall at the back. We are going to look for a solar power pump on e-bay so we can in good conscience keep the pond going all the time. We also sourced some disused offcut bamboo to accommodate the plastic tube, and rescued some trampled water grass from a muddy water hole (being used by motor heads to drive through) and have given the grass a new home. The main big goldfish will be soon moved 'upstream' to their new water pot - and the little non frog egg eating fish will be left in the small inground pond to hopefully attract some frog life. (for the history of this pond click here for old posts)
From Pond

From Pond

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