Mum had ordered about 30 'Limelight' (Helichrysum petiolare) plants from her regular nursery for us to develop into a small hedge along the front path. I collected them from her on Wednesday and by Friday we had them planted. Over the weekend we ordered some red 'terracotta' gravel and got carried away with our own backyard blitz on the front yard. A and I are very very excited with the result. And it all started with these little green plants - now I just hope they don't die!. The weekend work included long overdue weeding in the front garden beds and A spent quite a bit of time 'edging' the beds to tidy them up. I have also placed red gravel along the new side vege patch. It's looking great. We ordered one ton of this stuff and every last bit of it was shoveled by moi! into wheel barrow loads and moved into place. Probably all up about 20 - 30 loads.
You're Dangerous. Coz You're Honest.
Today I sincerely thought I was going to either have a stroke or a heart
attack, I shit you not man I fell onto my floor, broke out into a cold
sweat and...
10 months ago
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